Accident Reconstruction Tips

School is around the corner. In some places, it’s already begun. Many fleets are made up of vehicles serving school districts. If your fleet is going to be prepared for how busy things will be, you want to think about safety, especially when it comes to Accident Reconstruction Tips.

Some fleet busses are for daily pickup and delivery of students. Some transfer students between locations during the day, some will be involved in field trips, some will transport students with special needs. Fleet management companies need to go over their vehicles with a fine-toothed comb before the new year begins to assure each vehicle is in proper working order.

Driver and passenger safety are rooted in fleet management, and properly-prepared vehicles will handle statistically inevitable situations like accidents better. They’re going to happen, you need to be prepared, and design recovery protocols in advance. To that end, there are a few pieces of equipment and a few strategies which are good for the fleet overall as regards reconstruction, we’ll look at them here.

Securing Equipment For Documentation Purposes

Dash cameras help capture incidents evidentially. This means when there’s an accident, you can be sure insurance companies will have to fulfill their end of the bargain. If for some reason you must go to court, you’ll be able to demonstrate what happened. Such evidence could net you a settlement to repair damaged vehicles.

This is important for school busses, but it’s important for maintenance vehicles, sales vehicles, delivery trucks, and the list goes on. Be sure your fleet is equipped with recording equipment that captures proper evidence for best outcomes in reconstruction after an accident.

Assure Vehicles Can Be Tracked

Tracking devices are about more than security. Vehicle Tracking devices can reveal where accidents have happened with regularity, collaterally demonstrating where such accidents are likely to happen in the future. You can reorganize fleet routes through avenues less likely to result in an accident. Part of reconstruction after an accident will involve correcting whatever poor practices led to the accident in the first place.

For school fleets and others that have a pre-set route, there’s little that can be done. Even so, fleet tracking systems also provides data points that can be used for route, fuel, and safety automation later. So before the school year starts, acquire tracking devices for your fleet; these will help you avoid accidents preemptively. If you already have them, put the data they reveal into action for the new school year.

Develop Processes to Handle Accidents When They Happen

Accidents happen. Your fleet needs to have procedures which involve contacting insurance companies, having drivers examined for injuries, exploring routes traveled, reviewing camera footage, and taking appropriate steps in the event the accident is the driver’s fault.

Sometimes drivers will need to be liquidated, sometimes that’s inappropriate even if the accident is their fault. All situations differ, you need a process to reduce complications in reconstruction.

Timetables and Routes Help Reduce Instances of Congestion

Utilizing vehicle tracking device data, historical data, anecdotal data, and industry standard best practices, your fleet can identify safer routes and follow them. Since in many places the school year hasn’t started, now is an excellent time to see if there is any data which may suggest certain optimizations. Also, after an accident, noting factors related to routes and congestion is important to inform future fleet management.

Fleet Management Consultation Facilitates Safety

Reconstructing after an accident is more than repairing damaged vehicles and covering expenses. Accidents are opportunities to identify patterns. Breaking those patterns can reduce future accidents. Safety Track Cameras and vehicle tracking devices help, so does consultation with companies like Safety Track