Benefits of Using Front and Rear Dash Cams

They Provide Accident Evidence

Benefits of Using Front and Rear Dash Cams. Rising insurance premiums and liability claims as a result of a commercial vehicle accident can have a devastating impact to your business’s PL. With so much at stake, you don’t want hearsay to be the determining factor in deciding accident liability involving one of your commercial vehicles.

Front and rear dash cams can solve this problem by serving as an eyewitness in the event of an accident. They can capture entire accidents and be used as evidence to protect your drivers and your business from liability. Even when another party is liable for an accident involving one or your commercial vehicles, visual evidence from dash cameras can help speed up the insurance claim process.

Being able to capture the events that led to an accident can also help prevent insurance fraud. Scammers who purposely cause accidents often target commercial vehicles with the intention of settling for a large sum of cash. Video evidence can help protect against these fraudsters when liability questions arise.

Some insurance companies may be willing to offer discounts for fleet-wide installation of front and rear dash cams.

They Improve Fleet Efficiency

Most front and rear dash cams are equipped with GPS technology, which has significantly changed the way companies manage the efficiency of their fleets. Fleet managers are able to monitor driver speed, ensure vehicles are on-schedule, and pinpoint vehicle locations in the event of an accident.

These capabilities allow fleet managers to optimize routes and prevent idling which can result in decreased fuel costs. They also allow delivery times to become more predictable, which can optimize the scheduling process and lead to less downtime and happier customers.

Fleet managers can use footage and driver data captured in dash cameras to improve the efficiency of their entire fleets. Some cameras are equipped with an SD card that can be inserted into a computer for analysis. Others can transmit data to fleet management software that managers can leverage in real time.

They Improve Driver Accountability

Even though employee trust is an important part of any business, having a little extra protection can go a long way especially when it comes to expensive vehicles. Front and rear dash cams can help ensure all drivers are following company policy. When drivers are aware of dash cameras, they are more likely to drive defensively, pay attention, and stick to protocol.

Fleet managers can’t enforce company driving policies when they’re not present in the vehicle. Dash cams can be relied on to monitor employee behavior and enforce speed restrictions or no-phone policies. Better driver behavior means fewer costly accidents and better safety records. Fleet managers can also use driving footage to reward employees for safe driving, which can help instill good habits and driving practices across the fleet.

Improved driver safety, fleet efficiency, and accident evidence are three ways your business can save thousands of dollars each year using Safety Track’s front and rear dash cameras. While there may initially be driver resistance, this technology will soon become standard for the commercial vehicle industry.